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Terms and Conditions


SEPTEMBER 22, 2022

Anyone who requires the publication of advertising spaces must contact the sales executive and sign the Contract and/or the corresponding Insertion Order in which the terms and conditions of the contract are specified. The published rates may be modified without prior notice, which is why the amount indicated in the Contract and/or in each of the Insertion Orders will always be paid.

SDCOMPAY., will not be responsible for the content of the advertisements or for reviewing whether or not the advertising material complies with the legislation applicable at the time of publication. The agency and/or the advertiser and/or any third party that requests the publication of advertising spaces, are obliged to comply with the applicable legislation and in case of any claim in this regard, they must remove SDCOMPANY in peace and safe. and also cover any expense or fine that may be generated in this regard.

SDCOMPANY reserves the right at its absolute discretion not to publish or suspend any publication, if the advertising material does not comply with the provisions of the applicable legal regulations, and/or its content is offensive to its readers, contrary to morality and /or good customs, and/or their own interests, without any responsibility on their part.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the following address

SDCOMPANY., editor of "Sdmag" magazine, informs its clients, suppliers and the general public that: Any type of promotion, invitation to events, invitation to be part of an article, or any type of communication in relation to our media, is always performed by SDCOMPANY. directly through its official channels, and never through third parties.

Likewise, they are informed that the official channels are solely and exclusively those corresponding to the domains, or letters sent by correspondence, only to our subscribers, as well as those communications published on our official web pages. SDCOMPANY., responsible for the personal data of its clients, users and subscribers, never shares said data with third parties; Personal data is treated in accordance with our privacy notice, which can be consulted at:, in strict compliance with the respective laws.

Therefore, SDCOMPANY. disclaims any type of communication that is sent by third parties outside our editorial group through unofficial channels

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