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Notice of Privacy


SEPTEMBER 22, 2022


Sdmag belongs to the Sdcompany group, a Closed Limited Company, which carries out, among other activities, the edition, publication and marketing of illustrated magazines such as SDMAG, SDMODELS model agency, SDHELP empowerment initiative and school of entrepreneurs_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ SDWOMAN, the administration and production of content for said projects, as well as their respective advertising and marketing sales, both on websites and in printed magazines.


Users are informed that SDCOMPANY will request and collect personal data from subscribers (considered as such those persons who contract and acquire the periodic delivery of any of the publications edited by the company) and users of the websites, either by any a by the following means: online, by telephone and in person, through a printed or electronic subscription format, either directly or through alliances with other companies. SDCOMPANY is responsible for the processing of your personal data, regardless of the way in which they are collected.

The personal data we collect is the following:

  1. When the data is collected from non-subscribing users, they are name and email, place of residence and in some cases additionally telephone number, gender, age, date of birth, place of birth and entity of residence will be collected, when for the same dynamics of the promotions or advertising campaigns, the latter are required to contact the owner or comply with conditions to be able to participate in a promotion, raffle or contest.

  2. When the data is collected from subscriber users, name, address, email, gender, age, date of birth and telephone number will be collected; as well as the details of the credit card to which the subscription will be charged.



We do not collect any type of data considered sensitive from users, so it is not necessary to obtain the express written consent of the owners.

We have adopted all pertinent and reasonable security measures to protect the confidentiality and security of the financial data that you provide us, for which SDCOMPANY. uses, in the case of online subscriptions, the digital payment platform PAYPAL and credit or debit card VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS- (you can find more information and the privacy policies of PAYPAL at the following address ).

The data collected will always be directly, SDCOMPANY. does not use any type of public or private access source to obtain additional data to those provided directly by the holders, for which the holder himself is responsible for the accuracy, suitability and relevance of the data provided, as well as its subsequent update.


The purposes of data processing will be primary and secondary in accordance with the following:

1. Primaries:

a) In the case of subscribers, the primary purpose will be the collection of the service, the sending of copies of the magazines to which they subscribe to their address, the access and availability of online magazines to subscribers of this modality and the contact of the subscriber at the expiration of his subscription for a possible renewal.

2. Secondaries:

In the case of subscribers, the secondary purpose will be the sending of advertising promotions, company information, contests, prizes and any type of information related to the commercial activities of SDCOMPANY. as well as contacting users in case they are awarded in a raffle or contest. Personal data may also be used to send advertising, information and promotions from third parties with whom SDCOMPANY has commercial relations, however, said shipments are performs SDCOMPANY directly. and not those third parties.


In accordance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the owner of the personal data has the right to access, rectify and cancel their personal data at all times, as well as to oppose their treatment or revoke the consent that you have granted us for this purpose (ARCO Rights), through the procedures that we have implemented for this purpose.

In the case of the primary purposes described above, the owner of the personal data is aware that the exercise of opposition and cancellation rights may make it impossible to provide the service contracted with SDCOMPANY. , therefore In the case of subscribers, this right is limited and must be subject to the special subscription cancellation procedure implemented, for which SDCOMPANY must state otherwise. is not responsible for any request to exercise ARCO rights that leads to the impossibility of providing the service contracted by the user.

To exercise the ARCO rights, the owner must send an email to the data controller at SDCOMPANY. to the following email address:, or submit a printed request, with the autograph signature of the owner of the data, at the address indicated at the beginning of this privacy notice; narrating succinctly and as clearly as possible the request made.

The request to exercise rights must be identified with the reference REQUEST TO EXERCISE ARCO RIGHTS and the full name of the owner of the data, in addition to being accompanied by a simple copy of the official identification of the owner of the personal data, this to ensure the identity of the holder.

If the request for the exercise of rights is made through a person other than the owner, they must prove they have a mandate and sufficient representation through a legal document that supports it, as well as attach a copy of the identifications of the data owner and the agent.


SDCOMPANY. will not transfer your personal data to third parties, so it is not necessary to obtain express consent for such purposes. It will not be understood that there are referrals or transfers of data to third parties, in the event that SDCOMPANY. send or store the data collected within the companies belonging to the same economic group, since the consent is understood to be granted to the entire SDMAG economic group, collected by SDCOMPANY. on behalf of the entire economic group.

Referrals may be made to third parties inside and outside the country, including without limitation, service providers, advertisers and people other than this company, for the sole purpose of providing services and carrying out their activities; SDCOMPANY. has adopted the necessary technical and legal measures to ensure that any third party that intervenes in any phase of the Processing of Personal Data will keep confidentiality with respect to them, this with the aim of providing information of convenience and benefit to the user.

Specifically, in the case of subscribers to SDCOMPANY online magazines, it will use the services of Zinio, LLC., with address at 7900 International Dr #800, Bloomington, MN 55425, USA ("Zinio") as platform service provider of access, administration, provision and management of online subscribers, for which there will be a referral of the personal data of online subscribers to ZINIO, who will process the personal data for direct benefit, under the policies and guidelines, and by instructions of SDCOMPANY, in accordance with this privacy notice. You can find more information regarding Zinio's data processing and services at: 

Within the web pages of SDCOMPANY. may contain banners, links, hyperlinks or external links from different third parties, so SDCOMPANY. disclaims all responsibility for the information provided by users to said third parties and it is recommended that you consult their privacy policies since said sites are not subject to this privacy policy.

SDCOMPANY warns its Users that some of the Portal Services are open forums and are not monitored or supervised by us, including, but not limited to: I) discussion forums; II) personal Internet pages; III) classified ads; IV) email and; V) chat rooms, therefore, all Information that Users reveal through said Services may be used or seen by third parties, however, the company will not be responsible for the use, publication or disclosure of Information that Users of said Services provide because said data will not be processed or collected by SDCOMPANY. Therefore, we recommend Users to be careful and responsible about the Information they are going to provide.


SDCOMPANY. has adopted technological measures, best practices and internal policies to protect the security of your personal data, however, security breaches may occur when they are stored on digital media, in which case SDCOMPANY. will inform the holders based on the information available to it, preferably via email, so that the users/holders adopt the necessary measures to prevent the misuse of their information.


Our website uses cookie tools to improve the user experience on our web pages, so when you browse it, you consent to their use, unless you use appropriate settings and tools in your own browsers that disable the use of this. A Cookie is a small file sent to your computer, mobile or any electronic device while you browse the Internet and visit a website that uses cookies and that, among other things, allows your device to be recognized on future visits.

Measurement and analytical cookies

The use of analytical and measurement cookies on our website has the sole purpose of improving the user's experience on the network by measuring traffic on our websites, as well as obtaining and analyzing statistical data from users anonymously, through the following functions:

It allows the identification of the devices and browsers used by the user to browse the web, however, we do not use any tracking tool that allows the user to be identified.

It allows an approximate accounting of the number of visitors and their trend over time.

It allows us to identify the most visited content through the devices or browsers from which it is accessed. Such identification is done anonymously.

It allows us to know if the devices from which our website is being accessed are new or repeat visits.

It allows us to know the tastes and preferences of users in a general and anonymous way, by obtaining statistical data and presenting information that we consider to be of interest to them.

This website uses "Google Analytics" as a tool, an analytical service for measuring web traffic provided by Google, Inc.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including the IP address of the device from which it is accessed) will be directly collected, transmitted and archived by Google on servers located in the United States.

Google may transmit said information to third parties in accordance with their own privacy policies and local legislation, so that by browsing the website, you consent and accept, in conjunction with ours, Google's privacy policies, in particular those referring to the “Google Analytics” tool.

You can find more information regarding the privacy and data security policy of "Google analytics" at:

Additionally, we use “Permutive” as a measurement cookie, which is a tool of Permutive Inc, which stores an anonymous user identification and allows us to recognize your device through which you access our websites anonymously.

Users can configure their browser to reject these Cookies, or all Cookies, and thus prevent our providers of these services from collecting this information when you browse our web pages.

None of our providers stores IP addresses of any of the users, including those users domiciled in Latin American countries or the European Union.

advertising cookies

We use advertising cookies in order to serve our own or third-party advertising based on preferences and statistical data, collected anonymously without specific user identification.

These cookies are used to target advertising to users based on content that interests them, improve reporting on campaign performance, and avoid showing ads that the user has already seen or is unlikely to be interested in.

Our websites allow third parties to serve advertising and access the data collected through advertising cookies, so the processing of data may be subject to the privacy policies of said third parties.

Our website uses advertising cookies provided by Google, Inc, through a tool called "DoubleClick for Publishers", and the conditions and use of them are subject to their own privacy policies and local legislation, so when browsing the website, you consent and accept, together with ours, Google's privacy policies, in particular those referring to the “DoubleClick for Publishers” tool.

You can find more information regarding the privacy and data security policy of “DoubleClick for Publishers” at:

Sparrow is a web analytics and behavioral targeting service built by Sdcompany. Sparrow uses cookies to store an anonymous ID for the user. A cookie is a small information file that is sent to your computer, mobile or other device when you visit a website and it recognizes your device for future visits. Users can opt out of these coolies -or even all cookies- and Condé; Nast will no longer collect information from them. Events (eg, pageview on an article) are stored within Sparrow, and users can be targeted based on these events.

Sailthru is a behavioral targeting platform that collects information about user preferences and/or interaction with email and web content (information is used in our CRM platforms to promote our events and products).


SDCOMPANY. does not collect or process personal data of children under 13 years of age, and has adopted the necessary measures that are reasonably available to it to be able to identify underage users and deny their services. For some of the services we provide or some of our promotions, we reserve the right to require users to be of legal age.


SDCOMPANY., reserves the right to modify the content of this Privacy Notice at any time, any modification to this privacy notice may be consulted at

Date of last update of this notice is September 22, 2022.

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